Methodological Framework for the Pilots, Guidelines for the Teachers, and validation
A report based on the design of pedagogical approaches that can be used for cultivating learners’ sustainability competencies, the design of pilot studies to test the validity of the RoboAquaria, and best practices of interdisciplinary teaching in the RoboAquaria environment, including assessment methodology and tools.
RoboAquaria Toolkits and Lesson Topics
Guidelines to direct educators on how to build the RoboAquarium and implement an educational curriculum incorporating robotics and green skills.
E-Learning Toolkit and (OERs) Lesson Plans
Pedagogical material with augmented reality tools for educating and supporting educators in the implementation of the RoboAquaria Curriculum and Educational Robotics for STEAM and Marine Education.
Communication, Dissemination, Exploitation, Policy Recommendations
Several dissemination initiatives to promote the project outcomes, in addition to a Policy Recommendation report with a collection of lessons learned, good examples and practices, challenges, and policy recommendations.